目前分類:程式語言 (14)

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Unix domain sockets have a unique ability to pass file descriptors.

#include <sys/sockets.h>

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  • Apr 26 Tue 2011 15:23
  • astyle

astyle http://astyle.sourceforge.net/

In UltraEdit, go into Advanced > Tool Configuration from the menu.

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SimpleSockets http://sockets.carrierlabs.com/

// a example to grab a web page from yahoo and write to output.html

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之前沒有真正寫過CGI.只有用過類似PHP, ASP的開發環境.所以其實對GET/POST的差異性,並沒有扎實的概念.現在玩了一下,就更清楚網頁運作的過程.

The HTML specifications technically define the difference between "GET" and "POST" so that former means that form data is to be encoded (by a browser) into a URL while the latter means that the form data is to appear within a message body. As a simplification, we might say that "GET" is basically for just getting (retrieving) data whereas "POST" may involve anything, like storing or updating data, or ordering a product, or sending E-mail.

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Cimg是一套用c++寫出來的image processing library. 只有一個將近四萬行header檔,但是可以協助做許多影像處理功能.不過因為source全集中在一個檔案,所以沒有文件有一點閱讀不易.

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Defining classes and inheritance

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如果你寫完ActiveX的專案,編譯出.ocx or .dll檔案,可以利用regsvr32註冊系統當元件使用的,想要放到網頁供使用者下載.必須先打包成cab檔並且簽名過(signed).


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void wtoc(char* Dest, TCHAR* Source, int SourceSize /*useless parameter*/)

strcpy (Dest, T2A (Source));


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呼叫函式GetCommandLine() { & CommandLineToArgvW() } API anytime可以取得命令列的資訊.

LPTSTR WINAPI GetCommandLine(void);

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用它來開發一個RTSP Server,如果資料來源是檔案.幾乎不太需要做修改.即可以完成.但是如果要改自己的input source機制,沒有弄懂一些interfaces和virtual functions,我覺得想用它完成自己的RTSP Server是有點困難的,尤其目前為止我還沒找到文件很完整的介紹它.唯一,就是讀source code.和一堆test programs...但可能沒有涵蓋到你要的usecase.

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