之前沒有真正寫過CGI.只有用過類似PHP, ASP的開發環境.所以其實對GET/POST的差異性,並沒有扎實的概念.現在玩了一下,就更清楚網頁運作的過程.

The HTML specifications technically define the difference between "GET" and "POST" so that former means that form data is to be encoded (by a browser) into a URL while the latter means that the form data is to appear within a message body. As a simplification, we might say that "GET" is basically for just getting (retrieving) data whereas "POST" may involve anything, like storing or updating data, or ordering a product, or sending E-mail.

In principle, processing of a submitted form data depends on whether it is sent with METHOD="GET" or METHOD="POST". Since the data is encoded in different ways, different decoding mechanisms are needed. Thus, generally speaking, changing the METHOD may necessitate a change in the script which processes the submission. For example, when using the CGI interface, the script receives the data in an environment variable when METHOD="GET" is used but in the standard input stream (stdin) when METHOD="POST" is used.


從網路找到一個處理http parameter的函式,缺點是沒有很安全,且POST資源的很weak.所以還是要修改記憶體使用的問題.

把它當作header檔案,再CGI中引入,並呼叫getAllParams()初始化該工具. 接著就可以用getParam()取得想要的參數.

// Helper macro to convert two-character hex strings to character value
#define ToHex(Y) (Y>='0'&&Y<='9'?Y-'0':Y-'A'+10)

static char InputData[4096];

static void getAllParams()
    // Determing if it is a POST or GET method
    if( getenv( "REQUEST_METHOD" ) == 0 )
        printf("No REQUEST_METHOD, must be running in DOS mode");
    else if (strcmp( getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"), "POST") == 0)
        // If POST, but don't support multipart form
        char *endptr; // quite useless, but required
        char *len1 = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
        int contentlength = strtol(len1, &endptr, 10);
        fread(InputData , contentlength, 1, stdin);
        // If GET
        strncpy(InputData, getenv("QUERY_STRING"), sizeof(InputData));
        InputData[sizeof(InputData)-1] = 0;

static int getParam(const char *Name, char *Value)
    char *pos1 = strstr(InputData, Name);

    if (pos1)    
        pos1 += strlen(Name);
        // Make sure there is an '=' where we expect it
        if (*pos1 == '=')

            while (*pos1 && *pos1 != '&')
                // Convert it to a single ASCII character and store at our Valueination
                if (*pos1 == '%')
                    *Value++ = (char)ToHex(pos1[1]) * 16 + ToHex(pos1[2]);
                    pos1 += 3;
                // If it's a '+', store a space at our Valueination
                else if( *pos1 == '+' )
                    *Value++ = ' ';
                    // Otherwise, just store the character at our Valueination
                    *Value++ = *pos1++;

            *Value++ = '\0';
            return 0;


    // If param not found, then use default parameter
    strcpy(Value, "undefine");
    return -1;

int main()
    char myName[100] = "";
    char myAddress[100] = "";

    printf("Content-Type:text/html \n\n");
    getParam("Name", myName);
    getParam("Address", myAddress);

    printf("QueryString: %s", InputData);
    printf("Name: %s", myName);
    printf("Address: %s", myAddress);
    return 0;

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