YUV422 planer output

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SimpleSockets http://sockets.carrierlabs.com/

// a example to grab a web page from yahoo and write to output.html

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iphone4真的蠻讚的,第一次感受到app store的魔力,真的挺不錯的...為了它, 用中華1349, 又預繳12個月和手機費用3400, 接著包膜買殼1950...我想花錢才開始吧..Orz..要節制~

上週四五3/3.5G網路速都很快,今天大約九點前後就稍微頓掉了. 不過還算堪用..

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之前沒有真正寫過CGI.只有用過類似PHP, ASP的開發環境.所以其實對GET/POST的差異性,並沒有扎實的概念.現在玩了一下,就更清楚網頁運作的過程.

The HTML specifications technically define the difference between "GET" and "POST" so that former means that form data is to be encoded (by a browser) into a URL while the latter means that the form data is to appear within a message body. As a simplification, we might say that "GET" is basically for just getting (retrieving) data whereas "POST" may involve anything, like storing or updating data, or ordering a product, or sending E-mail.

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昨天不小心看到PC HOME重整機特賣(應該是展示機), $26900, 等了兩個月才等到價錢下降.


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下單大師 http://www.ordermaster.tw/


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Cimg是一套用c++寫出來的image processing library. 只有一個將近四萬行header檔,但是可以協助做許多影像處理功能.不過因為source全集中在一個檔案,所以沒有文件有一點閱讀不易.

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Defining classes and inheritance

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最近想選一個web server當作基礎平台.看過了boa, thttpd, mini_httpd, lighthttpd...最後選擇了thttpd.原因是我覺得它夠簡單.省去我理解程式的時間.功能也符合需求.

$ thttpd -d /home/web -c cgi-bin/**.cgi -l /var/log/thttpd.log (-D)

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如果你寫完ActiveX的專案,編譯出.ocx or .dll檔案,可以利用regsvr32註冊系統當元件使用的,想要放到網頁供使用者下載.必須先打包成cab檔並且簽名過(signed).


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